Kingdoms of Camelot Wiki

First Steps

What you need to know


16.384 Idle Population

  • Building troops not only uses Resources but also free population space. Your Population grows again, just like your Resources, as long as you keep your Population Trend upward.
  • Troops you build will eat Food, lots of it. If you end up having negative production you will eventually have to start farming Barbarian Camps.
  • Every Troop type has prerequisites which you need to fulfill before you are able to recruit these.
  • Keep your troops in the Sanctuary if you are not online or are weak in comparison to other players. Resources grow faster than rebuilding a whole army.
  • Building multiple Barracks will let you recruit units faster. Check this formulae and this one.

  • Try to build 5 lv1 Barracks in the beginning and then upgrade one of these to lv4 so you gain access to Archers.
  • Get Archers before you really start building an Army.
  • Read the important Research types to know what you need for high survivability.
  • Get at least one Knight which doesn't have a role assigned, ideally you should have three Knights. Knights that have a role assigned can't be used to attack.
  • Upgrade your Knights Hall so that your Knights gain experience faster.
  • Get started with lv1 and lv2 Barbarian Camps to get a feeling how Battle works.
  • If you do get a Divine Inspiration and you want Catapults then don't use it on Barracks. The suggested order to use Divine Inspiration is Alchemy Lab, Blacksmith and finally Barracks.

Getting there

  • Even though there are many Units in game, here are the high priority ones - get your research up so you can build these:
    • Supply Troops/Supply Wagons: Carry the plundered resources. Once you have enough Archers, you will automatically have enough capacity though, so you don't need too many of these.
    • Archers: The one and only Unit type you will ever use on Wildernesses and Barbarian Camps.
    • Heavy Cavalry: Used to farm low level (1-4) Barbarian Camps due to their high speed.
  • You should be farming lv3 Barbarian Camps now, which means you have been raising your Research and working towards the Supply Wagons and Heavy Cavalry.
  • Keep producing Archers till you have 30.000 of them.
  • You should definitely have three Knights by now.
  • Using 10.000 Archers each you can farm lv3 Barbarian Camps without having any losses.
  • Keep an eye on your Food. Make sure you have enough reserves if you are not going to be able to play for a prolonged time.


  • Finish your research to get the Battering Ram.
  • Keep building your Army. By now, you should have some experience on how to build an Army. If not, experiment to learn which units are ideally used when. Attack players with defenses, attempt to take over high level Wildernesses, battle Barbarian Camps to test your strength.
  • Get all your Battle related Research such as Poisoned Edge to lv9 or lv10.
  • Have fun!